Me: Hello, daddy! How are you?
Dad: I’m well, thank God! How are
you yourself?
Me: Fine
Dad: Since you refused to come
see me so we could talk, let’s just have the talk now. (Over the years I’ve
learnt to stall each time my dad insists on seeing me to have a talk... it’s
usually about something I don’t want to talk about.)
Me: ok
Dad: don’t you want to get
married ni? A woman’s time clocks fast o!
At that point, I fell really
silent... and said ever so quietly “I’ll get married when I’m ready...” Somehow
he knew he got to me this time, it wasn’t the first time we were having this
kind of discussion. Most times, I’d give him that “back off, old man!” kind of
tone... and say “I’m not ready. Marriage is a means to an end, not an end in
itself! I’m going to get married eventually, it’s one of those things I’ll do in
life...” But he got to me that
afternoon, and he knew it... so this time he did backed off... pleasantries
ended our awkward gist and he hung up after saying goodbye. He was travelling
in a few days, back to his station up north... Ok, I miss my dad.
There are many times I have had
issues believing in his love for me. But, I know he loves me... Back when we
were kids, he was always there to take us to salon, my sister and me... He would
drop us off and bring us back home, then he would take his time to decorate our
hair. Some other memorable times are times when the food gets too spicy with
too much pepper... you see my dad pull back his chair from the dining table
bend over to blow air into the mouth of two crying girls with runny noses...
then he goes “blow your nose...” with tissue paper to our nose. He was one dad
who does think it too much to spend time with his kids.
Anyway, this is not a biography
time, maybe sometime soon... But as you celebrate your 65th birthday
today, I say thank you for loving me and teaching the way to go. May the labour
of your hands never go in vain... may you eat your fill of the fruit of your
labour... may the glory of your old age never fade... Happy Birthday, dad! I
love you!
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